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Spouting Off Meaning

Spouting Off: A Boastful and Arrogant Manner of Speaking

Meaning and Pronunciation

The phrase "to spout off" means to speak in a particularly boastful or arrogant manner. It is typically used to describe someone who is talking excessively or in an annoying way about themselves or their accomplishments.

The pronunciation of "spout off" is /spaʊt ɔːf/.

Translations and Examples

The following are some translations and examples of the phrase "to spout off":

  • French: déblatérer
  • German: prahlen
  • Spanish: fanfarronear

"I dread spending an evening with my cousins and listening to them spout off about their last vacation."

"My date kept spouting off about how important she is in her company."


To "spout off" is to speak in a way that is boastful, arrogant, or annoying. It is a negative term that is often used to describe someone who is talking excessively about themselves or their accomplishments. When used in a conversation, it is important to be aware of the tone and context of the phrase in order to avoid offending others.
